When you want to use the API yourself you can use the following endpoints to retrieve your service status.



When a POST request is made to this API enpoint it will return the status of your app which can be destructured in JavaScript like this:

const response = await fetch(apihost + `/api/appstatus?url=${encodeURIComponent(app.url)}&response=${app.response}`, {
    method: 'POST'

const { status } = await response.json();

console.log(status) // logs "online" or "offline"

The types for the response are:

Response TypeURL valueDescription
Not RespondingnothingThe app is marked as offline if the server doesn't respond
Code 500500The app is marked as offline if the server responds with a code 500
BothbothThe app is marked as offline if one of the above states is true

Custom Status

When the provided URL returns values for a custom status the status can be destructured in JavaScript like this:

const response = await fetch(apihost + `/api/appstatus?url=${encodeURIComponent(app.url)}&response=${app.response}`, {
    method: 'POST'

const { status } = await response.json();

if (typeof status == "object") {
  const { color, statusText } = status;

  console.log(color) // logs the custom color. When using script.js: "green" | "red" | "orange"
  console.log(statusText) // logs the custom status text

Find out more on how to use script.js or the custom status: